Передо мной стоит задача: перевести инструкцию к трафаретной печатной машине (semi-auto horizontal-lift screen printing machine) с английского на русский. Я не имею к данной области никакого отношения, я математик)
В тексте практически нет общеупотребимых полиграфических терминов, так что, нагуглив информацию об устройстве таких машин, я пришла к выводу, что в данному контексте:
mesh panel – это трафаретная сетка она же печатная форма
printing platform – печатный стол
printing substance – запечатываемый материал
blade – ракель
inking blade, ri-inking blade – печатный ракель и фооракель (контрракель)
lift beam – каретка (wtf???)
air cabinet – система вакуумирования
Сначала я думала, что похожий девайс изображён на видео
Но меня смущало именно
horizontal-lift, я встречала только машины с вертикальным подъёмом печатной формы и с подъёмом под углом, как на видео...А именно тот девайс, про который я делаю перевод выглядит так
http://SGIA SGS CE Horizontal-lift semi-automatic Screen Printing Machine Series FB-9060,View multicolor ceramic sticker printer,Feibao Product Details from Wenzhou Feibao Screen Printing Machinery Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.com
Никак не могу понять, что такое
mesh clap, adjusting mechanism, ink scratching and re-inking mechanism, transmission mechanism for inking blade and beam lift. И как перевести
curve connecting rod – изогнутый...э...шатун??
FB Series Horizontal-lift Screen Printing Machine has got high popularity with the structure of mesh panel lift and synchronous transmission for blade as well as even speed for scratching, avoiding the oil ink flowing on the mesh panel, improving its printing precision.
This machine is mainly composed of frame, lift beam, printing platform, mesh clap, adjusting mechanism, ink scratching and re-inking mechanism, transmission mechanism for inking blade and beam lift, as well as electric control system.
1. The frame is the supporting part of the whole machine, its bottom is installed with four wheels and its feet can be adjusted. When delivering the machine, it is very easy and convenient for using this equipment after ensuring its installing position, adjust the supporting feet to level the printing platform.
2. The lift beam is one of the important component for mesh panel and blade to lift horizontally. The beam is lift and transferred along column by curve connecting rod. On the beam, it is equipped with the right and left socle girders and supporting guide orbit for frame as well as its transmission mechanism.
3. The printing platform is used for placing and positioning, on the platform it can be set with positioning orbit for printing substance. Under the platform it is equipped wit air cabinet, when printing, it can produce negative pressure, it can absorb in the printing substance tightly through dense airing hole of the platform to ensure the stability of positioning. When finishing the printing ine time, the air cabinet will decrease the pressure automatically, loosening the printing substance, then it can be taken out. There are three sides of micro-adjustment device on the printing platform, they are used for offset, The material of the platform is made of stainless steel without rusting eternally.
4. The mesh clip and the adjustment mechanism is used for installing mesh, lifting up and down with the beam. When printing, it can lift up and down automatically and approaching to the printing substance, when finishing the printing one time, it can return automatically. This machine is designed with adjustable mechanism for different mesh offsets. The right arm is equipped with pneumatic off mesh device, adjust the flowing valve to change the off mesh speed.
5. The inking returning mechanism is composed of frame, blade, re-inking blade, inking blade clip device, lift cylinder for blade, as well as lift cylinder for frame etc.. Clamp adjustment device is used for inking blade and oblique angel. The stroke of two-blade lift cylinder can be adjusted. The frame is supported by two orbits equipped on the beam, moving right mesh panel.
6. Transmission system is composed of beam lift mechanism and frame moving right and left position can be adjusted slightly, When the thickness of printing substance is changed, the distance between the mesh panel and printing platform can be adjusted by adjusting the length of lift cinnecting rod. The movement of frame is equipped with frequency govern. The output frequency of the converter is changed, it can change into stepless govern. If the output frequency of the converter is changed it can change into stepless govern. The stroke of the frame is controlled by non-contact switch.
У меня такое ощущение, что текст был переведён с китайского на анлглийский. Это от моего плохого знания языка или мне не почудилось?
Если можно, мне бы очень пригодились краткие пояснения к каждому абзацу, о чём именно идёт речь. Затруднения у меня вызвало всё, кроме механизма вакуумирования.
Вообще, буду безгранично рада любой информации о работе этой шайтан-машины и о русской общепринятой терминологии.